Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do I smell? -M.R

Well, you have a scent; Dogs are gonna like you. - J.B.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I love little kids. So happy, full of energy, unaware of how the world will most likely fuck them sooner or later. Makes me feel the same way, until I become fatigued running around. I wish i had that energy again. Ice cream with Meg, Angela and the beautiful Bella saved my day so far. I feel good. Gonna try and keep the mood up! The sun is beautiful. Time to go out and play!!

These people are my friends

"Whenever Spring comes, I instantly think of doing nitrous." - S.D.
"There have been times in my life i was so drunk if anyone fucked with me I would be fucked."
"I guess in the wild, babies just shit..." - J.B.

But you break just like a little girl....

I don't even really know what a blog is. Is it to entertain people, or for me to write out the things I shouldn't be saying out loud? Or is it worse to write them? When I say inappropriate things out lout, at least there is the chance of people forgetting, or just not caring. In writing, it always exists, just like my inability to filter my thoughts. I ramble. My life is a little messy right now. Everyone tells me to be strong and grow up; I can't. Cancer is mentally contagious. Life moves too fast and we only have so little time. I'm afraid i'll never do anything, because I want so much. It seems I do nothing instead. I've picked up little hobbies here and there, failing to fully master the art of anything, minus manipulation and joint rolling. I'd also say I'm an expert at setting my Tivo to record the cartoons, which I spend most of my free time watching. The world scares me. Why am I so afraid? Are you? Is anyone else? Or is it me; I Just Can't Fit.